

We encourage creativity as part of developing the character of Christ our Creator in each of us.
So GET CREATIVE – in Photography and Coloring!
Follow these 3 easy steps . . .

creation illustrated contest winner

step 1

Go outdoors into God’s glorious Creation and take stunning photos and/or creatively color in the line drawing found in the current edition of Creation Illustrated–Character Building Lesson.

Two contests – Six Winners – Each Quarter!

Three age categories in each of the three contests: youth 6-11, teen 12 -18, adult 19+

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step 2

Email your attached photo or coloring entry to either:


Be sure to include your Name, Age, Mailing Address, Phone Number, & Email Address.

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step 3

We will upload your entry to Creation Illustrated’s website https://www.creationillustrated.com/photo-contest  where you and others can vote on favorite entries.
Be sure to share this link with all your friends and family!


Winter Contest:

Deadlines: Feb 15th
Winners chosen the first week of March,
Winners announced end of March in Spring edition.

​Spring Contest:

Deadlines: May 15th
Winners chosen the first week of June,
Winners announced end of June in Summer edition.

Summer Contest:

Deadlines: August 15th
Winners chosen the first week of Sept,
Winners announced end of September in Fall edition.

​Fall Contest:

Deadlines: November 15th
Winners chosen the first week of Dec,
Winners announced end of December in Winter edition.

Winners in each age category will receive $25 and may have their photo/coloring entry published in the next edition of Creation Illustrated (as space allows). Please check your next issue of Creation Illustrated and this website to see who won!
Awards are sent approximately 30 days after the winners are posted on our website.

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